maandag 14 april 2008

Freddie Hubbard

Voor de fans van Freddie Hubbard. Leuk om te lezen hoe vakbroeders tegen
elkaar aankijken...(in dit geval met diep respect).

Randy: As a fellow trumpet player, let me state that Freddie Hubbard is one
of the greatest jazz musicians of all time. I never take Freddie for
granted, but in re-delving into his work, I was again reminded that it's
almost an impossible task to select only 12 'essential' cuts. One would lead
me to another two, and then those to 12 others, plus there is an
unbelievable amount of amazing live Freddie on You-Tube and similar sites,
and some of the best Freddie in my collection are from live performances
that were traded around from musician to musician. That said, here are 12
album moments that came immediately to mind-kind of "first come first

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